Shipping Policy
When you place an order with us you’ll be happy to know that it will be carefully packaged and shipped within 1-5 business days.You will receive tracking information by email as soon as it leaves our workshop.We ship to anywhere in Canada & USA and state sales taxes may apply.Free shipping on Subscriptions & Orders over $49.Purposely Haircare & Skincare products can be purchased at discounted rates with auto-delivery through our subscription program. Products will be shipped out based on the frequency displayed on the product page. We’ll send you a heads up 3 days before shipping.
You may modify or reschedule a subscription delivery at any time through our online portal. To cancel your subscription at anytime, contact customer care otherwise you will be billed on schedule. By completing a subscription order, you agree to the terms of use and authorize the charges to your card for each shipment state and sales tax may apply.